The stuff of Award Winning Independent Producer Pippa Frith
She Wants a Dog

She Wants A Dog was a partnership between Pippa Frith and Kate Chapman focused on commissioning artists and producing original creative work specifically for podcast, and working with theatre artists to create and curate discussion-based podcasts series exploring questions and topics which are important to them and their work.
Find us on social media:
@sheweantsadog | /shewantsadog
Following on from the R+D of Horizontal, Sickbabe is led by artist Suriya Aisha. A podcast series of funny, frank chats with fellow creative #Sickbabes who exist and resist everyday with invisible physical health conditions.
Supported by Contact Theatre, this podcast investigates the relationship between invisible disabilities, capitalism and the awkward bits of life in between.
Find the podcast on social media:
The Perverts Podcast
With Artists Milk Presents. In partnership with Derby Theatre Milk presents will develop a bi-monthly audio cabaret with input from the Lesbian and Gay Newsmedia Archive at The Bishopsgate Institute. Each episode will be curated by Milk and hosted by a different queer artist responding to, classified ads, agony aunt letters and other printed ephemera from the queer archives.
A Practical Guide to Death
An anthology of short-form dramas commissioned from leading writer/performers and produced in partnership with Nottingham Playhouse. Each artist will work with an end of life professional of their choice. This might include an end of life nurse, a celebrant, a solicitor, a florist etc. Each drama will be accompanied by a ‘discussion-based’ episode in which the writer and their chosen professional discuss questions and ideas which they have explored in the drama. Writers are Amanda Whittington, Annie Siddons, Leah Chillery, Mufaro Makubika and Rochi Rampal.
Stories to Tell When You Stay at Home
Following on from the hit theatre show and podcast series Stories to Tell in the Middle of the Night this is a special set of new stories, released from April 2020, during lockdown for many people across the world to the backdrop of the global pandemic.